Road closures in Lunnon for water leak repairs – 27Nov for est. 3 days

With sincere apologies for the late posing of this notice that was received by ICC on the 23rd November.  As follows:

Five Day Notice Lunnon Close,__ Parkmill 00275033



NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the City and County of Swansea in pursuance of its powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) intend to close the above-mentioned road. In order for DCWW to undertake works to repair a leaking water service, it will be necessary to temporarily close the above named road to vehicular traffic.

SCHEDULE – TEMPORARY NORTHBOUND ROAD CLOSURE Y1803 LUNNON, SWANSEA – Y1803 outside properties named Ty Haf and Stone Cottage in a Northerly direction for a distance of a distance of approximately 65 metres.
The alternative route for vehicular traffic will be via Unnamed Y1802, Unnamed Y1800, Unnamed Y1801 a distance of approximately 230 metres.

Similarly this route will operate in the reverse direction.
Access for emergency vehicles to be maintained at all times.
The closure will operate from Monday 27th November 2023 for 5 days (Or until the works are completed whichever is the sooner). It is anticipated the works will take 3 days to complete.
Dated this 23rd November 2023

Dog handlers training fields

From: our local PCSO Andrew Brown.

A colleague of mine is a Police Dog Handler, and he is looking for a location where he could run the dogs and train them in tracking skills. Ideally large fields with wooded areas with no cattle livestock etc. If any of you are willing to allow Mike to come along and train the dogs on your land can you let me know .Just pop your contact number In a return e mail and I will ask Mike to give you a bell , he can explain to you exactly what he’s after.

Thanks in Advance


Have your say on council services in our new residents’ survey

From Swansea City Council.

The survey runs until October 29 and you can contribute your views by clicking on the link:

Residents are being urged to get involved and have their say on services provided by the council that touch people’s lives every day.

The council has launched a new residents’ survey aiming to find out more about what they think of services provided by the council to help it plan for the future.

The feedback will also feed into the budget process for next year and take into account the views of residents and their priorities.

Rob Stewart, Leader of the Council, said: “Our staff strive every day providing hundreds of services that make a difference in every community.

“If your children go to local schools, if you are getting social care or other support, if you’ve visited a park, been to a show this week at the Grand Theatre or reported a pothole, then you or someone you know will have had contact with us.

“By joining in the residents’ survey you’ll have the chance to tell us what you think on the services we provide that matter to you. And your feedback will help us plan council services for the future.

“If you live or work in Swansea then participating in the survey will be five minutes well spent.”

Questions in the survey cover a range of areas including residents’ thoughts on what the council’s priorities should be, views about the neighbourhood where they live, ease of access to services and quality of services received.

The survey runs until October 29 and you can contribute your views by clicking on the link:

Hard-copy versions of the survey will also be available in all local libraries and at the civic centre.

Strengthening our Communities

Swansea is the first Authority in Wales to have a Local Area Coordinator allocated to every part of the county.

The stated aim of the Coordinator is to ‘build connections, help people to stay strong and share their gifts in the local community and to nurture inclusive, welcoming and self-supporting communities.’

Our Coordinator is Seren Aldron, the first three attachments give a flavour of her role together with contact details.

newsletter LAC intro

L.A.C. Introduction Form 2021

LAC leaflet SA BishPen 09.21

Also attached are two posters for local events





Temporary change to Neath Port Talbot Minor Injury Unit opening hours

Due to ongoing staffing pressures we (Swansea Bay University Health Board) have made the difficult decision to temporarily reduce the opening hours of the Minor Injury Unit at Neath Port Talbot Hospital.

It is now available from 8am until 9pm, seven days a week, for a period of nine months, rather than the previous times of 7.30am-11pm.

We will have staff available around the MIU area who can redirect anyone turning up between 9pm and 11pm.

Anyone needing urgent attention that cannot wait until the following day should use 111 or, if it is serious enough, the Emergency Department at Morriston Hospital.

Please find attached a copy of the Health Board’s statement regarding the Minor Injuries Unit at Neath Port Talbot Hospital.

17.08.2023 MIU statement for media and social media

Source: Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Bae Abertawe / Swansea Bay University Health Board

Farm Fire Safety Reminder

From: Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service is issuing a farm fire safety reminder following a recent increase in the number of barn fire incidents requiring attendance by its crews.

Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service’s (MAWWFRS) area is home to a tapestry of rural and agricultural communities and the Service has recently experienced an increased number of barn fire incidents requiring attendance by its crews.  This increase could be partly due to the early warm and dry weather conditions during May and June which has provided earlier hay-making opportunities.

Each year in the UK on average around 1,600 farm buildings and 85,000 areas of grassland are destroyed by fire.  MAWWFRS is issuing a farm fire safety reminder and advice to members of the farming communities within its Service area in an effort to reduce the likelihood of further barn fires:

  • Stored bales must not have a moisture content greater than 22%.
    Bales that have a moisture content of 22% or higher pose a risk of increasing in heat once stacked, leading to overheating and possible spontaneous combustion.
  • Baled hay, straw and bracken should have a moisture content of between 18-20% before being stacked in storage.
  • The temperature of bales should be below 35°C before being brought off the field for storage.
    Bales with a temperature above 35°C can maintain their own heat generation to a point where spontaneous combustion can occur.
  • Bale Storage Advice
    Where possible, stacks should be sited separately, away from other farm buildings, especially livestock buildings. Keep stacks to a reasonable size, well apart and dry.  Avoid storing fertilisers, chemicals, gas cylinders, tractors and other machinery in barns containing bales.  Ensure that all electrical equipment and wiring is well-maintained.
    If bales are smouldering or on fire call 999 immediately.
  • Signs of bales overheating
    Signs of bales overheating may include discolouration or browning in some areas, stacks seen to be ‘steaming’ early in the morning or late evening, the presence of a sweet, sickly smell and hay turning to a tobacco-like form.

Advice and Support

MAWWFRS is here to help and has a variety of resources available to members of the farming community in need of support or advice.

  • Farm Liaison Officer
    Due to the rich farming heritage of mid and West Wales, the Service also employs a Farm Liaison Officer to work with farmers to best protect their property and livestock from the threat of fire. The Service’s Farm Liaison Officer, Jeremy Turner, can be contacted on 0800 169 1234 or [email protected].
  • Free Bale Temperature Testing
    If you have concerns regarding the temperature of your bales, please contact us to request a FREE check of the temperature and moisture content of your bales, using specialist equipment. Depending on the readings we receive, we will then work with you to formulate a plan to manage the risk of spontaneous combustion.  To book a FREE visit, please call 01268 909 404.  If bales are smouldering or on fire call 999 immediately.

Contact Information:

Steffan John Communications Officer, Mid & West Wales Fire & Rescue Service – Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, 01267 226862 ext: 4462.  [email protected]

30mph speed limit changing to 20mph in Wales

From the 17th of September 2023, most 30mph limits across Wales will change to 20mph. When you see streetlights, assume that the speed limit is 20mph, unless you see signs that say otherwise.

Most affected streets are in residential or built-up areas where people walk and cycle.

GoSafe, Police and partners will continue to educate and engage with our communities, and enforce 20mph speed limits, to make roads safer for all of us.

Welsh Government – 20mph Communications Toolkit

Welsh Government – 20mph Frequently Asked Questions

Welsh Government – 20mph Misinformation Fact Sheet

Source: Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol Cymru / Welsh Local Government Association

Meet Your local Community Councillor – 20th June

Meet Your local Community Councillor Event; Tuesday 20th June 6.30pm to 8.30pm.  Gower Heritage Centre Parkmill SA3 2EH

Following our well attended session last February we are pleased to offer local residents another opportunity to meet your local community councillors to informally discuss local issues that concern you.

Also we are using this event as the launch of our proposals to establish a Local Biodiversity Action Plan.

ICC Final S6 Gp1 C&TCs Report 2020 – 2023

Welsh Government has asked all community councils to report on the biodiversity of their local area with a view to inform national and local policies and establish action plans to enhance, preserve and monitor our local environment. The attached Biodiversity Report is an overview of what the Community Council has achieved so far towards maintaining and enhancing biodiversity and promoting ecosystem resilience in our planning, policies and day to day activities. The next stage is to compile the Biodiversity Action Plan which sets out our biodiversity objectives between now and 2025.’ We would like all residents to express their opinion and help formulate any future plans.

We hope to see you on the night or please email any thoughts on the Biodiversity Action Plan to our Clerk.

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