Tenovus have approached Community Councils in Wales asking that we help them raise awareness of their Cancer Care Support. The link to their website with is shown below.
Category: Latest News
Information on Cost of Living Support
The UK Government has launched the Help for Households campaign which draws together information on the support packages it has put in place to help ease the impact of the cost of living crisis. There are 41 schemes available to support citizens, all of which can be found on the new Help for Households website
Living Safely With Covid
The Welsh Government has issued the following information as part of their Living Safely with Covid campaign.
Royal National Institute for Deaf people RNID, Time for Me project
Are you at home alone more than you would like to be?
Would you like to enjoy a regular chat with someone?
Are you now able to hear better on the phone again but would like the chance to “practice”?
Do you miss getting letters through the post that aren’t bills or circulars?
Four questions asked by the RNID with further information provided in the attached ‘posters’
Older People’s Commissioner for Wales – Special Bulletin on Cost of Living.
Mae’r bwletin arbennig hwn yn rhoi gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol am hawlio Credyd Pensiwn, a pham mae hyn mor bwysig, yn ogystal ag atebion i gwestiynau cyffredin am y gwahanol fathau o gymorth ariannol sydd ar gael i bobl hŷn eleni a sut mae gwneud hawliad. https://comisiynyddph.cymru/newyddion/cylchlythyr-y-comisiynydd-bwletin-arbennig-argyfwng-costau-byw/
This special bulletin provides helpful information about claiming Pension Credit, and why this is so important, as well as answers to frequently asked questions about the different forms of financial support being made available to older people this year and how to make a claim. https://olderpeople.wales/news/commissioners-newsletter-special-bulletin-cost-of-living/
Welsh Water Meeting 22nd June 2022 7pm
Full minutes for the meeting are attached. The notes below summarise the main points, any omissions are mine.
Mr Jon Taylor: Senior Business Improvement Manager represented Welsh Water (WW). His presentation set out the problem, work carried out to date and work planned. There were questions from the audience, these are included in the minutes but not the notes below.
He highlighted that there had been 32 interruptions in the last 12 months and that Penmaen / Nicholaston was the worst area in Wales for supply interruptions.
He explained how the current single mains water supply from Cefn Bryn reservoir contributed to the problems experienced and also how the environment impacted potential solutions.
To date WW have installed a number of valves and hydrants to isolate areas and reduce disruption in the event of a leak. They have also rebuilt meter and pressure reducing valves and installed a pressure monitor logger.
Whilst short term problems persist WW will set up Satellite stores in Parkmill for pipes and bottled water. WW also intend to instal further valves and hydrants on the main line source.
WW have planned a major overhaul on sections of the pipework targeting completion by April 2023. The planned works are:
i) renewal of pipe from Cefn Bryn reservoir to Nicholaston.
ii) installation of new pipes around the Penmaen ‘horseshoe’ road to stabilise the network.
iii) renewal of pipes to Nicholaston Hall with 3” MVP pipe.
The feasibility study has been done and funding (£660,000 – £750,000) has been approved for the completion of the work. Note that WW have to produce an Investment Plan every 5 years for the Regulator and that these works are part of that Plan.
Councillor J Griffiths is standing down
Shaping Wales Future
Welsh Government have published the consultation on Shaping Wales’ Future: Using National Milestones to measure our Nation’s progress (wave two) – Proposals for setting the second wave of national milestones for Wales. Note – this consultation process ends on 12th September 2022.
It is important that we draw on the views and experiences of people across Wales as they carry out this work and you are invited to contribute. As a key stakeholder in improving the well-being of future generations, Welsh Government are keen to hear your views on the proposals. The consultation closes on the 12 September so there is plenty of time for you to respond and share your thoughts and they want to hear from as many people as possible on the proposals.
Welsh Government will be running information webinars for stakeholders to hear about the proposals set out in the consultation and will continue to use the Shaping Wales’ Future blog to engage and continue the conversation. If you would like a more in-depth discussion about the proposals please email [email protected].
The Welsh Government is committed to using the Well-being of Future Generations framework to create a stronger, fairer, greener and more compassionate Wales, addressing the unprecedented challenges we face. Our focus through our Programme for Government is on the ways we can improve the lives of people in Wales both now and in the future.
Vacancies on Ilston Community Council
Following the election on 5th May 2022, Ilston Community Council had four vacancies for members, two in Nicholaston Ward and two in Ilston Ward. The community council invited anyone interested in being co-opted for one of the vacant seats to express an interest. Three individuals contacted the clerk to express their interest and were formally co-opted in the ICC meeting on 29th June. Those co-opted were Mrs Audrey Elliott, Mr Nick Huffer and Mr Cody Bates. For information the vacancy notice is shown below.
Vacancy Notice for Co-option 2022
May 2022 Election results
Please follow the link to see the results of the 5th May 2022 elections for contested seats in Ilston Penmaen Ward.