8th July – Macmillan Mighty Hike Gower

On Saturday 8th July 2023 Macmillan Cancer Support are organising a ‘Mighty Hike’ in Gower.  It is an opportunity to hike a marathon to support Macmillan to do whatever it takes to help everyone living with cancer.

The circular route, starting and ending at Penrice castle, covers south west Gower and, at its most easterly, passes through Penmaen burrows and up onto Cefn Bryn.

We expect that the A4118 will be carrying higher levels of traffic on the day.

Further details such may be found  using this link:



South Gower Community Bus

The South Gower Community Bus has now been registered as an official service number 112.

The timetable and route will not change.   For passengers with a Welsh bus pass the service remains free.  For other passengers there will be a standard charge of £3 for adults, and £1.50 for children over 12 each way.

Registering the service allows us to be re-imbursed by the Welsh Government for those journeys undertaken by Welsh Bus Pass holders.

The process of registering the bus and making a charge will help towards the service being sustainable in the long term.  It is being well used and has provided a life line for many who no longer drive.

We urge you to continue your valued support for your local Community bus.

Single-use Plastics Bill

For your information/Plastig Untro ffeithluniau,

Annwyl bawb

Rwy’n falch o roi gwybod ichi y cafodd Bil Diogelu’r Amgylchedd (Cynhyrchion Plastig Untro) (Cymru) (y Bil) ei basio gan y Senedd ar 6 Rhagfyr.

Mae hwn yn gam pwysig o ran sicrhau bod Cymru’n rhydd rhag cynhyrchion plastig untro diangen. Drwy wahardd neu gyfyngu ar gyflenwad eitemau sy’n aml yn cael eu taflu fel sbwriel, byddwn yn osgoi gadael gwaddol plastig gwenwynig i genedlaethau’r dyfodol ddelio ag ef. Bydd hyn hefyd yn ein helpu i ymateb i’r argyfwng hinsawdd a’r argyfwng natur.

Rydym wedi llunio fersiynau cychwynnol o ffeithluniau (amgaeedig) i godi ymwybyddiaeth busnesau a phobl anabl. Gofynnwn yn garedig ichi eu rhannu â’ch rhanddeiliaid.

O ran busnesau, mae’r wybodaeth yn nodi sut y dylent baratoi ar gyfer y gwaharddiadau, ac o ran pobl anabl, mae’r wybodaeth yn nodi sut y gall pobl anabl gael gafael ar wellt plastig untro o hyd er mwyn galluogi pobl anabl y mae eu hangen arnynt i fwyta ac yfed yn ddiogel ac yn annibynnol.

Fel rydym eisoes wedi nodi, bydd rhagor o ddeunyddiau codi ymwybyddiaeth yn cael eu datblygu yn ystod 2023, ynghyd â chanllawiau cynhwysfawr a ddatblygir ar y cyd â rhanddeiliad. Byddwn yn darparu rhagor o wybodaeth am hyn dros yr wythnosau nesaf.

Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau, anfonwch nhw mewn e-bost at [email protected]

Dear all

I’m pleased to inform you that the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Bill (Bill) was passed by the Senedd on the 6 December.

This is an important step in ensuring Wales is free from unnecessary single-use plastics (SUP). By banning or restricting the supply of commonly littered products we will avoid leaving a toxic plastic legacy for future generations to deal with. It will also help us respond to the climate and nature emergencies.

We have prepared initial awareness raising infographic materials (attached) for businesses and disabled people. Please share these with your stakeholders.

For businesses, the information sets out how businesses should prepare for the bans, and for disabled people the information sets out how single-use plastic straws can still be accessed by disabled people who need this product to eat and drink safely and independently.

As we have previously set out, additional awareness raising materials will be developed in 2023, as well as comprehensive guidance, developed in collaboration with stakeholders. We will provide further information on this in the coming weeks.

If you have any queries, please forward them to [email protected]


Jack Sanders

Single Use Plastics Policy Officer
Diogeli’r Amgylchedd / Environmental Protection Division

Llywodraeth Cymru/ Welsh Government

Parc Cathays/ Cathays Park

Caerdydd CF10 3NQ/ Cardiff CF10 3NQ

Rhif ffôn / Phone no: 03000250991

[email protected]  / [email protected]


With apologies for posting this information late.

Thank you Audrey Elliot

The members of Ilston Community Council would like to say a big thank you to ex Councillor Audrey Elliott for her service and commitment as she steps down from office after 10 years as a councillor.
 Audrey served as chairperson of the council from 2017 to 2019 and laterly as head of the planning group.
Audrey is also retiring from her job at Careers Wales this summer and is looking forward to the opportunity to spend more time with her family in Essex.  We wish Audrey a long happy retirement.


As Ilston Community residents and representatives we share a common concern in respect of the traffic passing through our community.  We are impacted by both the year-round volume of traffic and the behaviour of some road users.

A working group was established last year within Ilston Community Council with the specific objective of identifying measures to improve the safety of all road users within the community. The focus of this group has been on how this might be achieved through the moderation of traffic speed and the encouragement of more considerate driving.

A report has been prepared and will be submitted to both our local Councillor and Swansea Council. It is the first step in a process that we know will take time to realise as we are operating within an increasingly budget constrained world – however we will continue to press for change.  The report, focussing on the most problematic stretch of the A4118, represents the first phase of the work. The next phase will reach further into our community and other roads.

ICC- Traffic v.7

Changes to phlebotomy / blood test services

Updating the earlier post on ‘Reducing Health Services’ with clarification on how you may raise concerns.

Many of you are aware that Swansea Bay University Health board are removing the provision of a hospital phlebotomist from the Pennard and Scurlage surgeries as of the 31st of March. This means there will be no site on Gower offering this service.   The hospital services at Singleton, Gorseinon etc will continue as before.

Residents should raise their concerns to the Swansea Bay community health council –[email protected], or complaints can also be sent to Complaints – Swansea Bay University Health Board (nhs.wales).

Source: Pennard News 4/3/2023.

Increasing Pension Credit uptake – online summit meeting 8th Dec

It is estimated that up to 80,000 older people in Wales do not receive Pension Credit despite being eligible, meaning that over £200 million was left unclaimed in the Treasury last year rather than reaching those who needed it most.

Whilst this post is primarily to advertise an online summit meeting do consider whether you have an entitlement to Pension Credit.

Sgroliwch lawr ar gyfer y Saesneg / Please scroll down for English


 Uwchgynhadledd Ar-lein: O’r Trysorlys i Dreorci

Cynyddu’r nifer sy’n hawlio Credyd Pensiwn yng Nghymru

 10-11.30am, dydd Iau 8 Rhagfyr

 Ymunwch â’r Comisiynydd mewn uwchgynhadledd ar-lein i edrych ar y camau y mae angen eu cymryd, a’r ffyrdd y gallwn weithio gyda’n gilydd, i sicrhau nad yw pobl hŷn yng Nghymru yn colli’r cyfle i gael Credyd Pensiwn, sy’n gallu rhoi hwb sylweddol i incwm pobl ac sy’n rhoi mynediad at hawliau pwysig eraill.

 Amcangyfrifir nad yw hyd at 80,000 o bobl hŷn yng Nghymru yn derbyn Credyd Pensiwn er eu bod yn gymwys. Mae hyn yn golygu bod dros £200 miliwn wedi aros yn y Trysorlys heb ei hawlio’r llynedd, yn hytrach na chyrraedd y rhai oedd ei angen fwyaf.

 Gydag 1 o bob 5 o bobl hŷn yng Nghymru nawr yn byw mewn tlodi, a chostau byw yn parhau i gynyddu, mae’n bwysicach nag erioed bod pobl hŷn yn cael yr holl gymorth ariannol y mae ganddynt hawl iddo.

 Bydd pobl hŷn, a chynrychiolwyr o sefydliadau allweddol – gan gynnwys Llywodraeth Cymru ac Age Cymru – yn ymuno â’r Comisiynydd i rannu eu gwybodaeth a’u harbenigedd am y ffyrdd mwyaf effeithiol y gallwn estyn allan at bobl hŷn mewn cymunedau ledled Cymru, i godi ymwybyddiaeth o Gredyd Pensiwn a chefnogi’r rheini sy’n gymwys i hawlio’r hyn y mae ganddynt hawl iddo, a sut y gallwn gymryd camau pellach i gynyddu’r nifer sy’n hawlio Credyd Pensiwn yng Nghymru. 

 Mae croeso i chi rannu’r gwahoddiad hwn gyda’ch rhwydweithiau ac unrhyw un o’ch cysylltiadau a allai fod â diddordeb mewn mynychu.

 Gobeithio y gallwch chi ymuno â ni ar gyfer y digwyddiad – i archebu eich lle, ewch i: https://tocyn.cymru/en/event/5bba2c6e-2d5b-4c2e-b100-a321bdab29a0

 Diolch yn fawr!


 Online Summit: From the Treasury to Treorchy

Increasing Pension Credit Uptake in Wales

 10-11.30am, Thursday 8 December

 Join the Commissioner for an online summit to explore the action needed, and the ways we can work together, to ensure that older people in Wales do not miss out on Pension Credit, which can boost people’s incomes significantly and provides access to other important entitlements.

 It is estimated that up to 80,000 older people in Wales do not receive Pension Credit despite being eligible, meaning that over £200 million was left unclaimed in the Treasury last year rather than reaching those who needed it most.

 With 1 in 5 older people in Wales now living in poverty, and living costs continuing to spiral, it’s more important than ever that older people receive all the financial support they’re entitled to.

 Older people, and representatives from key organisations – including Welsh Government and Age Cymru – will be joining the Commissioner to share their insight and expertise about the most effective ways we can reach out to older people in communities throughout Wales, to raise awareness about Pension Credit and support those who are eligible to claim what they’re entitled to, and how we can take forward further action to increase Pension Credit uptake in Wales. 

 Please feel free to share this invite with your networks and any of your contacts who may be interested in attending.

 We hope you can join us for the event – to book your place, visit: https://tocyn.cymru/en/event/5bba2c6e-2d5b-4c2e-b100-a321bdab29a0

 Many thanks!

 Richard Jones

Pennaeth Cyfathrebu // Head of Communications

Comisiynydd Pobl Hŷn Cymru // Older People’s Commissioner for Wales

 Adeiladau Cambrian // Cambrian Buildings
Sgwâr Mount Stuart // Mount Stuart Square
Caerdydd // Cardiff

CF10 5FL

 Rydym yn croesawu derbyn gohebiaeth yn Gymraeg. Byddwn yn ateb gohebiaeth a dderbynnir yn Gymraeg yn Gymraeg ac ni fydd gohebu yn Gymraeg yn arwain at oedi // We welcome receiving correspondence in Welsh, we will respond to correspondence in Welsh and corresponding in Welsh will not lead to delay

 Ffôn // Tel: 07515 288271

Rydym yn croesawu galwadau yn Gymraeg // We welcome calls in Welsh

 https://comisiynyddph.cymru // https://olderpeople.wales/

 Dilynwch ni ar Twitter @comisiwnphcymru // Follow us on Twitter @talkolderpeople

 Ewch i’n tudalen Facebook // Visit our Facebook page: https://bit.ly/2lX6QLq

Courier Fraud Awareness

Dyfed Powys Police have started to see a rise in ‘Courier Fraud’.

  • Courier Fraud is not the fake DPD or Royal Mail text type scam.
  • Courier Fraud involves a criminal pretending to be a police officer and phoning you.
  • Courier Fraud results in a criminal collecting money or bank cards from you personally.

These frauds are predominantly aimed at those using landlines and those that will not question if the person at the other end really is who they say they are.

The current version of the fraud works by the criminal phoning the victim stating that they are a police officer and that they have someone under arrest for fraudulent use of their credit or debit card.

The criminal may state that the person in custody is a relative of the victim, and that the victim is under caution and cannot tell anyone else about the call.

The criminal will then go on to get the victim to either withdraw money for some spurious reason or gain details of their credit/debit card.

The reason it is called Courier Fraud is because the result is the criminal tells the victim that a courier will be collecting the money or card and PIN.

The courier will be the criminal – who will pretend to be a courier or the ‘police officer’ that spoke to the victim.

They will reassure the victim that the money will be held in safe keeping and be returned or refunded.

The reason for collecting the money will normally be that the bank has rogue staff that are putting counterfeit money in the withdrawals that people request.

I have attached a PDF which can be printed A3, A4 or A5 so can be used as a leaflet or poster, it is Welsh one side and English on the other.

2022-11a DPP Courier Fraud Leaflet C and E


  • The police will never phone you and ask you to convey details of your debit or credit card
  • The police will not caution you over the phone and ask you to collect money
  • The police will not contact you to tell you your debit or credit card has been cloned
  • The police, or your bank, will never ask you to withdraw money or transfer it to a different account
  • The police will never ask you to reveal your full banking password or PIN
  • Phone a family member or friend to make sure the line has cleared and then phone 101 to report to police
  • Report it online: https://www.dyfed-powys.police.uk/en/contact-us/report-an-incident/ or call 101


Mae Heddlu Dyfed-Powys wedi dechrau gweld cynnydd o ran ‘Twyll Cludwr’.

  • Nid y twyll negeseuon testun Post Brenhinol neu DPD ffug yw Twyll Cludwr.
  • Mae Twyll Cludwr yn ymwneud â throseddwr yn eich ffonio ac yn esgus mai swyddog heddlu ydyw.
  • Mae Twyll Cludwr yn arwain at droseddwr yn casglu arian neu gardiau banc gennych chi’n bersonol.

Mae’r math hwn o dwyll wedi’i anelu’n bennaf at y rhai sy’n defnyddio llinellau tir a’r rhai na fydd yn cwestiynu pa un ai a yw’r unigolyn ar ben arall y ffôn yn dweud y gwir am bwy ydyw.

Yn fersiwn diweddaraf y twyll, mae’r troseddwr yn galw’r dioddefydd gan ddweud mai swyddog heddlu ydyw a bod rhywun wedi’i arestio am ddefnyddio ei gerdyn credyd neu ddebyd.

Efallai bydd y troseddwr yn dweud bod yr unigolyn yn y ddalfa’n perthyn i’r dioddefydd, a bod y dioddefydd dan rybudd a ddim yn cael dweud wrth unrhyw un arall am yr alwad.

Yna, bydd y troseddwr yn cael y dioddefydd i dynnu arian allan am ryw reswm ffug, neu’n cael manylion ei gerdyn credyd neu ddebyd.

Gelwir hyn yn Dwyll Cludwr oherwydd y canlyniad yw bod y troseddwr yn dweud wrth y dioddefydd y bydd cludwr yn casglu’r arian neu’r cerdyn a’r rhif PIN.

Y cludwr fydd y troseddwr – bydd yn esgus bod yn gludwr neu’r ‘swyddog heddlu’ a siaradodd â’r dioddefydd.

Bydd yn sicrhau’r dioddefydd y bydd yr arian yn cael ei gadw’n ddiogel ac yn cael ei ddychwelyd neu ei ad-dalu.

Fel arfer, y rheswm a roddir dros gasglu’r arian yw bod staff banc twyllodrus yn rhoi arian ffug i gwsmeriaid sy’n tynnu arian allan.

Rwyf wedi atodi dogfen PDF y gellir ei hargraffu ar bapur maint A3, A4 neu A5 fel bod modd ei defnyddio fel taflen neu boster. Mae’r ddogfen yn Gymraeg ar un ochr a Saesneg ar yr ochr arall.


  • Ni fydd yr heddlu’n eich ffonio ac yn gofyn ichi am fanylion eich cerdyn debyd neu gredyd
  • Ni fydd yr heddlu’n eich rhybuddio dros y ffôn nac yn gofyn ichi gasglu arian
  • Ni fydd yr heddlu’n cysylltu â chi i ddweud wrthych fod eich cerdyn debyd neu gredyd wedi’i glonio
  • Ni i fydd yr heddlu, na’ch banc, byth yn gofyn ichi dynnu arian neu ei drosglwyddo i gyfrif gwahanol
  • Ni fydd yr heddlu byth yn gofyn ichi ddatgelu eich cyfrinair bancio llawn na’ch rhif PIN
  • Galwch aelod o’r teulu neu ffrind er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr fod y llinell wedi’i chlirio, yna galwch 101 i adrodd am y digwyddiad wrth yr heddlu
  • Cyflwynwch adroddiad ar-lein: https://www.dyfed-powys.police.uk/cy-GB/riportio/riportio/neu galwch 101

Rising Energy Costs – Priority service register

The priority service register is a free support service which makes sure extra help is available to people in vulnerable situations.  Energy Suppliers and Network Operators will both keep a Priority Services Register. If you think you should be added to either you need to contact your energy supplier or network operator.

You are eligible if you:

  • have reached your state pension age
  • are disabled or have a long-term medical condition
  • are recovering from an injury
  • have a hearing or sight condition
  • have a mental health condition
  • are pregnant or have young children
  • have extra communication needs (such as if you don’t speak or read English well)
  • need to use medical equipment that requires a power supply
  • have poor or no sense of smell
  • would struggle to answer the door or get help in an emergency.

You might still be able to register for other reasons if your situation isn’t listed. For example, if you need short-term support after a stay in hospital.

For more information click on the following link.

Get help from your supplier – Priority Services Register | Ofgem

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