Annwyl bawb
Rwy’n falch o roi gwybod ichi y cafodd Bil Diogelu’r Amgylchedd (Cynhyrchion Plastig Untro) (Cymru) (y Bil) ei basio gan y Senedd ar 6 Rhagfyr.
Mae hwn yn gam pwysig o ran sicrhau bod Cymru’n rhydd rhag cynhyrchion plastig untro diangen. Drwy wahardd neu gyfyngu ar gyflenwad eitemau sy’n aml yn cael eu taflu fel sbwriel, byddwn yn osgoi gadael gwaddol plastig gwenwynig i genedlaethau’r dyfodol ddelio ag ef. Bydd hyn hefyd yn ein helpu i ymateb i’r argyfwng hinsawdd a’r argyfwng natur.
Rydym wedi llunio fersiynau cychwynnol o ffeithluniau (amgaeedig) i godi ymwybyddiaeth busnesau a phobl anabl. Gofynnwn yn garedig ichi eu rhannu â’ch rhanddeiliaid.
O ran busnesau, mae’r wybodaeth yn nodi sut y dylent baratoi ar gyfer y gwaharddiadau, ac o ran pobl anabl, mae’r wybodaeth yn nodi sut y gall pobl anabl gael gafael ar wellt plastig untro o hyd er mwyn galluogi pobl anabl y mae eu hangen arnynt i fwyta ac yfed yn ddiogel ac yn annibynnol.
Fel rydym eisoes wedi nodi, bydd rhagor o ddeunyddiau codi ymwybyddiaeth yn cael eu datblygu yn ystod 2023, ynghyd â chanllawiau cynhwysfawr a ddatblygir ar y cyd â rhanddeiliad. Byddwn yn darparu rhagor o wybodaeth am hyn dros yr wythnosau nesaf.
Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau, anfonwch nhw mewn e-bost at [email protected] |
Dear all
I’m pleased to inform you that the Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Bill (Bill) was passed by the Senedd on the 6 December.
This is an important step in ensuring Wales is free from unnecessary single-use plastics (SUP). By banning or restricting the supply of commonly littered products we will avoid leaving a toxic plastic legacy for future generations to deal with. It will also help us respond to the climate and nature emergencies.
We have prepared initial awareness raising infographic materials (attached) for businesses and disabled people. Please share these with your stakeholders.
For businesses, the information sets out how businesses should prepare for the bans, and for disabled people the information sets out how single-use plastic straws can still be accessed by disabled people who need this product to eat and drink safely and independently.
As we have previously set out, additional awareness raising materials will be developed in 2023, as well as comprehensive guidance, developed in collaboration with stakeholders. We will provide further information on this in the coming weeks.
If you have any queries, please forward them to [email protected] |