Author: Steve Pleydell
Shaping Wales Future
Welsh Government have published the consultation on Shaping Wales’ Future: Using National Milestones to measure our Nation’s progress (wave two) – Proposals for setting the second wave of national milestones for Wales. Note – this consultation process ends on 12th September 2022.
It is important that we draw on the views and experiences of people across Wales as they carry out this work and you are invited to contribute. As a key stakeholder in improving the well-being of future generations, Welsh Government are keen to hear your views on the proposals. The consultation closes on the 12 September so there is plenty of time for you to respond and share your thoughts and they want to hear from as many people as possible on the proposals.
Welsh Government will be running information webinars for stakeholders to hear about the proposals set out in the consultation and will continue to use the Shaping Wales’ Future blog to engage and continue the conversation. If you would like a more in-depth discussion about the proposals please email [email protected].
The Welsh Government is committed to using the Well-being of Future Generations framework to create a stronger, fairer, greener and more compassionate Wales, addressing the unprecedented challenges we face. Our focus through our Programme for Government is on the ways we can improve the lives of people in Wales both now and in the future.
Vacancies on Ilston Community Council
Following the election on 5th May 2022, Ilston Community Council had four vacancies for members, two in Nicholaston Ward and two in Ilston Ward. The community council invited anyone interested in being co-opted for one of the vacant seats to express an interest. Three individuals contacted the clerk to express their interest and were formally co-opted in the ICC meeting on 29th June. Those co-opted were Mrs Audrey Elliott, Mr Nick Huffer and Mr Cody Bates. For information the vacancy notice is shown below.
May 2022 Election results
Please follow the link to see the results of the 5th May 2022 elections for contested seats in Ilston Penmaen Ward.
Pennard Wellness Walks
Starting Monday 25th April 1.30pm.
Meeting at the wellness garden outside of Pennard Surgery, then strolling to Southgate for a cuppa and a chat before heading back.
A gentle walk for all abilities to improve fitness, aid well being and make new friends. The walks are free, but you need to book a place. Phone or text 07826 296677.
For more information click on the following link:
Publication of Audited Accounts
Publication of audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021
Regulation 15(5) of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 (as amended) requires that by 30 September 2021, Ilston Community Council publish its accounting statements for the year ended 31 March 2021 together with any certificate, opinion, or report issued, given or made by the Auditor General.
The accounting statements in the form of an annual return have been published on the Council’s website. However, the accounts are published before the conclusion of the audit. Due to the impact of COVID-19, the Auditor General has not yet issued an audit opinion.
Cyhoeddi cyfrifon archwiliedig ar gyfer y flwyddyn a ddaeth i ben 31 Mawrth 2021
Mae rheoliad 15 (5) o Reoliadau Cyfrifon ac archwilio (Cymru) 2014 (fel y’i diwygiwyd) yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol, erbyn 30 Medi 2021, i Ilston Community Council gyhoeddi ei ddatganiadau cyfrifyddu ar gyfer y flwyddyn a ddaeth i ben 31 Mawrth 2021 ynghyd ag unrhyw dystysgrif, barn neu adroddiad a gyhoeddwyd, a roddwyd neu a wnaed gan yr Archwilydd Cyffredinol.
Mae’r datganiadau cyfrifyddu ar ffurf ffurflen flynyddol wedi’u cyhoeddi ar wefan y Cyngor. Fodd bynnag, cyhoeddir y cyfrifon cyn i’r archwiliad ddod i ben. Oherwydd effaith COVID-19, nid yw’r Archwilydd Cyffredinol wedi cyhoeddi barn archwilio eto.