National Grid – infrastructure work and tree cutting

In the last major storm we had power outages that left some residents without electricity for 72 hours.  As a result of this National Grid have assessed the local infrastructure and carried out work to reduce both the likelihood of future outages and their impact when they occur.  This work has included the cutting of trees where these present a risk to overhead lines and changes to the infrastructure itself.

The attached two diagrams show, in those areas highlighted yellow, where work has been carried out.  One diagram is a plan, to help orient you Sheppards Parkmill is bottom right.  The other diagram is schematic however the points in the infrastructure are annotated with place names.  We hope these help you to understand what has been done and where.

Both diagrams have been sourced from National Grid who have given their permission for us to share them.  We considered it important to let you know that work has been done to reduce the risk and likely impact of further outages.

National Grid Tree map Parkmill-2

National Grid Tree map Parkmill-1


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