
Policies and Regulations

This page contains information about the way in which Ilston Community Council (ICC) works and includes declarations that ICC needs to make.

First, the Rules and Constitution of Ilston Community Council.


As a Community Council we individually and collectively adhere to a Code of Conduct.  The code provides us with help and guidance in maintaining appropriate standards  as we serve our community.  Three documents are linked below.

Model code of conduct for Members and Co-opted members with voting rights 2008

Model Code of Conduct for Members and Co-opted members with voting rights amendement 2016

Bullying and Harassment in Councils 2022_NB

Standing orders are the written rules of the Community Council.  The link to these is given below.

Model Standing Orders May 2023 – Final

Further policies relating to the way in which the Community Council operates are listed below.  Some of these relate to people:

ICC_ICO Model Publication Scheme Eng 2023-2024 24_05_31

ICC Capability and performance 23_07_26

ICC Health and Safety 23_07_26

ICC Sickness and absence 23_07_26

ICC_People induction_23_11_23

ICC_Stress management 23_07_26

And these others relate to our use of IT and Data

Display screen equipment checklist

ICC_Information Data Protection Policy 24_05_31

The Council is responsible in law for ensuring that its financial management is adequate and effective and that the Council has a sound system of internal control.  The attached document sets out the associated regulations.

ICC Financial-regulations

Payments Made to Community Councillors.  Last but not least, we have to publish declarations of  payments made to Community Councillors.


ICC 2022-2023 – Pro forma – Community and Town Councils – Published Allowances – English


ICC 2021-2022 – Pro forma – Community and Town Councils – Published Allowances – English


ICC 2020-2021 -Pro forma – Community and Town Councils – Published Allowances


ICC 2019-2020 Pro forma – TCC – Published Allowances


ICC 2018-2019 Pro forma – Community and Town Councils – Published Allowances


ICC 2017-2018 Pro forma – TCC – Published Allowances


ICC 2016-2017 Pro forma – TCC – Published Allowances


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